来源: 作者: 时间: 2018-05-10
Since end of April, we have successfully produced first amounts of Citral at our plant in Ludwigshafen. Having achieved this crucial milestone, we are now starting our downstream production in a step-wise approach.
In the overviews below, we show the start of the production ramp-up for selected key products of our Citral value chain as well as the expected start of supply within the respective regions.
Please note that starting up such a vast value chain is highly complex and that timeframes for the ramp-up phase, production, packaging, etc. can differ from product to product.
The communication and the information herein does not constitute a lift of the Force Majeure declaration and remain subject to change at BASF´s sole discretion. All respective products will continue to be under Force Majeure until we are able to produce stably and build up adequate stocks. Until we are officially lifting Force Majeure, all products will be allocated in a fair and reasonable manner according to contractual obligations and applicable law.
We will provide more information regarding the lift of Force Majeure as soon as possible.
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