
收藏 | 动物营养与饲料加工词汇中英文对照

来源:    作者:    时间: 2022-08-02

中文                       英文

美国大豆协会         American Soybean Association (ASA)
美国机械工程师协会     American Society of Mechanical Engineers(ASME)
美国建筑师协会     American Institute of Architects (AIA)
美国饲料工业协会         American Feed Industry Association(AFIA)
美国饲料管制协会         American Association of Feed ControlOfficials (AAFCO)
美国饲料商协会     American Feed Manufacturers Association(AFMA)
美国土木工程师学会   American Society of Civil engineers (ASCE)
墨西哥饲料商协会         Mexican Feed Manufacturers Association CONAFAB
南非饲料商协会     South Africa Animal FeedManufacturers Association (AFMA)
欧盟(CE)标准    CECommunate Europpene,法语)standard
欧盟食品和饲料法         EU Food and Feed Legislation
欧洲饲料商联盟     European Feed Manufacturers' Federation(FEFAC)
欧洲饲料商指南     European Feed Manufacturers Guide (EFMC)
食品药物管理局     Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
土耳其饲料商协会         Turkish Feed Manufacturers Association
危害分析和关键控制点         Hazard Analysis and Critical ControlPoints (HACCP)
新西兰饲料商协会         New Zealand Feed ManufacturersAssocation NZFMA
印度家禽工业协会         CLFMA Of India
最佳水产养殖规范         Best Aquaculture Practices BAP
(欧盟官方控制条例 The Official ControlRegulation ((EC) No 882/2004)
(欧盟)关于包装和包装废物的指示         The Directive on Packaging andPackaging Waste (94/62/EC)
(欧盟)关于动物营养中有害物质的指示         The Directive on Undesirable Substancesin Animal Nutrition
(欧盟)关于建立禁用原料清单的决定     The Decision establishing a list ofmaterials whose use is prohibited (2004/217/EC)
(欧盟)关于某些组分的指示     The Certain Constituents Directive(82/471/EEC)
(欧盟)关于饲料原料流通的指示     The Directive on the Circulation of FeedMaterials (96/25/EEC)
(欧盟)关于药物饲料的指示     The Medicated Feed Directive (90/167/EEC)
(欧盟)关于饮食的指示     The Dietetic Feeds Directive (93/74/EEC)
(欧盟)饲料卫生条例         The Feed Hygiene Regulation ((EC) No183/2005)
(欧盟)饲料行销条例         The Marketing of Feed Regulation ((EC)No 767/2009/EEC)
(欧盟)添加剂条例     The Additives Regulation ((EC) No1831/2003)
(欧盟)一般食品条例         The General Food Law Regulation ((EC)No 178/2002)
CODEX动物优良饲养法         CODEX Code of Practiceon Good Animal Feeding
澳大利亚家畜饲料商协会     Stock Feed ManufacturersAssociation of Australia SFMCA
巴西饲料商协会     Brazilian Feed Industry Association SINDIRAÇÕES
国际饲料工业联合会     International Feed Industry Federation (IFIF)
洁净空气法案         Clean Air Act
良好作业规范;优良制造标准     Good Manufacturing Practice GMP
粮农组织         Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
美国大豆协会         American Soybean Association (ASA)
美国机械工程师协会     American Society of Mechanical Engineers(ASME)
美国建筑师协会     American Institute of Architects (AIA)
美国饲料工业协会         American Feed Industry Association(AFIA)
美国饲料管制协会         American Association of Feed ControlOfficials (AAFCO)
美国饲料商协会     American Feed Manufacturers Association(AFMA)
美国土木工程师学会   American Society of Civil engineers (ASCE)
墨西哥饲料商协会         Mexican Feed Manufacturers Association CONAFAB
南非饲料商协会     South Africa Animal FeedManufacturers Association (AFMA)
欧盟(CE)标准    CECommunate Europpene,法语)standard
欧盟食品和饲料法         EU Food and Feed Legislation
欧洲饲料商联盟     European Feed Manufacturers' Federation(FEFAC)
欧洲饲料商指南     European Feed Manufacturers Guide (EFMC)
食品药物管理局     Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
土耳其饲料商协会         Turkish Feed Manufacturers Association
危害分析和关键控制点         Hazard Analysis and Critical ControlPoints (HACCP)
新西兰饲料商协会         New Zealand Feed ManufacturersAssocation NZFMA
印度家禽工业协会         CLFMA Of India
最佳水产养殖规范         Best Aquaculture Practices BAP
饲料         feed / feedstuff
饼状饲料         wafers, wafer feed
薄饼饲料         biscuit
补充饲料         supplement feed
沉性饲料         sunk feed
池塘养鱼饲料         pond diet
粗饲料            roughage
单一饲料         single feed
蛋白质饲料     protein feed
蛋鸡饲料         layer feed
调制饲料         prepared feed
定制饲料         customer formula feed
发酵饲料         fermented feed
非蛋白氮饲料         non-protein nitrogen feed
粉状饲料         mash, mash feed
浮性饲料         float feed
辅助饲料         secondary feed
复合预混料     compound premix
混合饲料         mixed feed
加糖蜜饲料     molassified feed
加药饲料         medicated feed
加药预混料     medicated premix
家禽饲料         poultry feed
家畜饲料         livestock feed
颗粒饲料         pellet, pellet feed
块状颗粒饲料(草原用)     range cube
块状饲料(重2磅以上,约30-50   block feed, cube feed
矿物质饲料     mineral feed
能量饲料         energy feed
浓缩饲料         concentrated feed, concentrate
浓缩饲料补充料     concentrate supplement
配合饲料         compound feed,formula feed
膨化饲料         expanded feed, extruded feed
片状饲料         flake feed, flakes
平衡饲料         balancer, balanced feed
全配合饲料     complete compound feed
人工饲料         prepared feed
肉鸡饲料         broiler feed
软饲料     soft feed
商业饲料         commercial feed
水产饲料         aquafeed
饲料添加剂补充料         feed additive supplement
饲料添加剂浓缩物         feed additive concentrate
饲料添加剂预混料         feed additive premix
饲料种类         feed products
碎谷饲料         scratch, scratch grain, scratch feed
碎粒饲料         crumbled feed, crumbles
添加剂预混料         additive premix
微量元素预混料     trace mineral premix, micromineral premix
维生素饲料     vitamin feed
维生素预混料         vitamin premix
小块状饲料(重2磅以下)          bricks
液体饲料         liquid feed
硬饲料     hard feed
鱼饲料     fish feed
预混饲料         premix feed, premix
猪饲料     pig feed
主要饲料         primary feed
最低成本日粮         least-cost ration
饲料组分         feed ingredients
促生长剂         growth promotant, growth promoter
促生长物质     growth promoting substance
单细胞蛋白     single-cell protein(SCP)
调味剂     flavor enhancement
动物性蛋白原料     animal protein material
动物脂肪         animal fat
防腐剂     preservative, antiseptic agent
防霉剂     mould inhibitor, mould preventive
非营养性添加剂     non-nutritive additive
改良剂,调节剂     modifying agent
混合助剂         mixing aid
酵母         yeast
抗结块剂         anticaking agent
抗菌剂     antibacterial agent
抗老化剂         antiager
抗霉剂     antimycotic agent
抗起泡剂         antifoaming agent
抗生素,抗菌素     antibiotic
抗微生物剂     antimicrobic
抗氧化剂         antioxidant, antioxygen agent
尿素         urea
驱虫保健剂     vermifuge
乳化剂     emulsifier
食欲增进剂     flavoring agent
饲料添加剂     feed additive
糖蜜         molasses
稀释剂     diluent
椰子油     coconut oil
益生素; 活菌制剂       probiotic
营养性添加剂         nutritive additive
载体         carrier
粘结剂     binder
植物性蛋白原料     vegetable protein material
植物油     vegetable oil
着色剂     colour additive, pigment
饲料原料         Raw Material
谷物类     Grain
     Japanese millet
大麦         barley
稻谷         unhusked rice, paddy, rough rice
高粱         grain sorghum, milo
黑麦         rye
黑小麦     triticale
黄米         glutious millet
     common millet
粳米         rice, non-glutinous rice
糯米         rice glae
荞麦         buck wheat
青稞         highland barley
小麦         wheat
燕麦         oat
莜麦         naked oat
玉米         corn,maize
酒糟蛋白溶液         Distiller's Dried Grains with SolublesDDGS
豆类         Beans
(粗制)凝乳酶     rennet
(多价)螯合剂     Sequstrants
阿拉伯树胶     arabic gum
安古树,库柏树皮         angostura, cusparia bark
巴山豆     rice bean
巴西棕榈醋,加洛巴醋         carnauba wax
芭蕉芋     edible canna
白刺花     vetchleaf sophora
白胡椒     white pepper
白芥菜     white mustard
白蜡         bleached beeswax
白栎         faber oak
白粒菜豆         pea bean
白三叶草         white clover, butch clover
白小豆     small white bean
百合         greenish lily
百花草木樨     white sweet clover
半胱氨酸         cysteine
蚌肉         fresh water mussel
苯基丙氨酸     phenylalanine
蓖麻粨     castor seed meal
扁豆         hyacinth bean
扁杆早熟禾     kenlucky bluegrass
扁桃皮粉         almon hull
丙氨酸     alanine
丙烷         propane
菠萝皮     pineapple peel
薄荷         peppermint
菜豆         beans
菜籽粨     rapeseed meal
蚕豆         broad bean, tick bean, horse bean
蚕豆         broad bean
蚕蛹         silk worm
藏异燕麦         Tibet helitotrichon
草粉         ground grass
草藤,广播野豌豆         bird vetch, crow vetch
侧柏         arborvitae
茶籽粨     tea seed meal
车前草     Asia plantian
车轴草,鸟足酢浆草     bird's foot trefoil
雏菊         common comfrey
垂穗鹅观草     noddingspike roegneria
垂穗披碱草     droping wildryegrass
春黄菊     camomile
慈姑         arrowhead
次磷酸锰         mangnese hypophosphate
刺菜         cephalanoplos segetum
刺槐         locust tree
刺山柑     caper
粗饲料类         Roughage Products
醋酸         acetic acid
醋酸钙     calcium acetate
大本树叶类     Leaves from Woody Plants
大豆、秣食豆         soybean
大豆粨     soybean meal
大豆粨粗粉     kibbled soybean meal
大豆粗粉         soy grits
大豆粗碎粉     ground soybean
大豆干草         soybean hay
大豆加工灰粉(无一定规格)     soybean mill run
大豆饲料         soybean feed
大豆细粉         soy flour
大豆研磨饲料         soybean mill feed
大麻籽饼         marijuana cake, marihuana cake
大麦加工副产品     barley mill by-product
大麦壳     barley hull
大蒜         barley hull
大爪草     corn spurrey
当归         angelica
当归根     angelica root
当归籽     angelica seed
刀豆         sword jackbean
稻草         straw
稻谷副产品     rice mill by-product
稻谷霉发酵产品液         aspergillus oryzae fermentation productliquid
稻壳         rice hull
稻曲霉发酵可溶产品     aspergillus oryzae fermentation product
稻曲霉发酵可溶物         aspergillus oryzae fermentation soluble
低棉酚棉籽粨         low gossypol cottonseed meal
地榆虎耳草     burnet saxifrage
淀粉糖蜜         starch molasses
丁烷         butane
丁子香     clove
冬瓜         wax gourd, white gourd
董子         China berry tree
动物蛋白类     Animal Protein Product
动物副产品粉         animal by-product meal
动物干血粉     dried animal blood meal
动物下脚肉粉         meat meal tankage
动物下脚肉骨粉     meat and bone meal tankage
动物脂     animal fat
动物脂肪酸甲酯     animal fatty acid of methylester
动物脂肪酸乙酯     animal fatty acid of ethylester
豆腐渣     soybean milk residue
豆类         pod
豆缘豆     black gram
椴树花     linden flower
多香果     allspice
二氧化碳         carbon dioxide
发酵产品类     Fermentation Products
番椒         cayenne pepper
番木瓜朊酶     papain
番茄渣     tomato pomace
泛醇         D-pantothenyl alcohol
泛酸钠     sodium pantothenate
非甘油酯动物脂肪酸     animal fatty acid of non-glycerideester
非甘油酯植物脂肪酸     vegetable fatty acid of non-glycerideester
肥披碱草         high wildryegrass
粉末油脂         fat powder
粉葜        hypoglaucous greenbrier
风干苜蓿草粉         suncured alfalfa meal
蜂蜡,黄蜡     beeswax
佛手瓜     figered citronm Buddha's-hand, chayote
浮萍         duck weed
脯氨酸     proline
干酒糟     brewers dried grain
干苜蓿草粉     ground alfalfa hay
干奶油     dried buttermilk
干肉汁糟         dried meal solubles
干乳蛋白         dried milk protein
干乳清     dried milk albumin
干乳清     dried whey
干糖蜜酒糟     molasses distillers dried soluble
甘氨酸     glycine
甘草精     licorice
甘草素     glycyrrha
甘露糖醇         mannitol
甘牛至     marijoram
甘牛至油         sweet marijoram
甘薯         sweet potato
甘油,丙三醇         glycerin
甘油磷酸钙     calcium glycerophosphate
甘油磷酸钾     potassium glycerophosphate
甘油磷酸锰     mangnese glycerophosphate
甘油三醋酸酯         triacetin
甘油硬脂酸酯         glyceryl monostearate
甘蔗糖蜜         cane molasses
甘蔗渣     bagasse
柑粉         citrus meal
柑桔         citrus, satsuma orange
柑渣         citrus pulp
柑属糖蜜         citrus molasses
柑籽粉     citrus seed meal
高良姜     galanga, galangal
高粱加工产品         grain sorghum mill feed
高粱胚芽粨     grain sorghum germ meal
高粱胚芽饼     grain sorghum germ cake
高粱渣粒         grain sorghum grist
     kudzu vine
葛根         radix pureariae
葛藤         thomson kudzuvine, liana, liane
蛤蜊         clam
枸杞         chain fern
枸树         common papermulberry
枸橼酸钙         calcium citrate
枸橼酸钠         sodium citrate
谷氨酸单铵     monoammonium glutamate
谷氨酸单钾     monopotassium glutamate
谷氨酸发酵产品     glutamic acid fermentation product
谷物发酵可溶物     cereals grain fermentation soluble
谷物副产品     Grain By-product
谷物吸风分离物     aspirated grain fraction
谷子         foxtail millet
瓜尔豆胶         guar gum
胍尔豆粨         guar meal
胱氨酸     cystine
硅补强剂         silica aerogel
硅酸铝钙         aluminum calcium silicate
硅酸镁     magensium silicate
果胶酸钠         sodium pectinate
过氧化氢         hydrogen peroxide
海索草     hyssop
海藻         marine alga, seawood
含可溶物的干酒糟         distiller's dried garins with soluble(DDGS)
旱柳         hankow willow
合欢         silktree albizzia
和琼木蓝         fortune indigo
核黄素-5'-磷酸        riboflavin-5-phosphate
荷兰三叶草     Dutch clover
褐芥菜     brown mustard
黑豆         black bean
黑豆饼     black bean cake
黑胡椒     black pepper
黑芥菜     black mustard
黑枯茗     black cumin
黑麦麸粉饲料         rye middlings
黑麦加工灰粉(无一定规格)     rye mill run
黑曲霉发酵产品液         aspergillus niger fermentation productliquid
黑曲霉发酵浸出物         aspergillus niger fermentation extract
黑曲霉发酵可溶产品     aspergillus niger fermentation product
黑曲霉发酵可溶物         aspergillus niger fermentation soluble
黑藻,轮叶水草     hydrilla verticillat
红豆草     sainfoin
红豆藤     ormosia rattan, love pea ratten
红胡椒     red pepper
红花         Chinese pearleaf crabapple
红花菜     stafflower
红三叶草         red clover, meadow clover
红松         Korea pine
红小豆、赤豆         small red bean, adsuki bean
狐尾草     foxtail
胡克巴,香豆子     common fenugreek
胡萝卜     carrot
胡麻饼     flax cake
胡杨         diversifolious poplar
胡枝子     shrub lespedza
糊化高粱胚乳粉     gelatinized sorghum grain flour
琥珀酸     succunic acid
花豆         huatou (haeolus muliflorus
花苜蓿,网果葫芦巴     Russian fenugreek
花生粨     peanut meal
花生壳     peanut hull
花生皮     peanut skin
槐树         Chinese scholartree
黄花草木樨     yellow sweet clover
黄花苜蓿         sickle alfalfa
黄芥菜     yellow mustard
黄蓍树胶         gum tragacanth
黄檀         hupe rosewood
灰菜         bacon weed
肌醇         inositol
芨芨草     lovely achnatherum
鸡眼草     Japanese clover
鸡眼草粉         lespedeza meal
鸡眼草茎粉     lespedeza stem meal
鸡爪草,鸭茅         common orchardgrass
鸡足草     cock's foot
家黑种草         black caraway
家禽副产品     poultry by-product
家禽副产品粉         poultry by-product meal
家禽脂肪         poultry fat
甲基维生素     methyl callulose
箭栝豌豆         vicia sativa
箭舌豌豆         common vetch, fodder vetch
豇豆         common cowpea, string bean
酱油渣     soy pomace
胶鼓乳酸杆菌发酵产品液     lactobecillus bulgaricus fermentationproduct liquid
胶鼓酸杆菌发酵产品     lactobacillus bulgaricus fermentationproduct
焦磷酸二氢钠         sodium acid pyrophosphate
焦磷酸钙         calcium pyrophosphate
焦磷酸四钠     tetra sodium pyrophosphate
焦磷酸铁钠     ferric sodium pyrophosphate
焦藕         edible canna
焦糖         caramel
焦芋         purpke arraw root
角豆荚胶         locust bean gum
接骨木花         elder flower
芥菜         leaf mustard
芥菜         mustard
芥菜籽油         mustard oil
金花菜,南苜蓿     California burclover
金樱子     cherokee rose
金盏草     mangold
金盏花     marigold, pot
经热处理的大豆     heat processed soybean
经吸风的全高粱粉         partially aspirated sorghum grain flour
精氨酸     arginine
酒石酸     tartaric acid
酒石酸     tartaric acid
酒石酸钾钠     sodium potassium tartrate
酒石酸钠         sodium tartrate
酒石酸钠钾     sodium potassium tartrate
酒石酸氢胆碱         choline bitartrate
酒石酸氢钾     potassium acid tartrate
菊芋         American artichoke, Canada potato
菊芋         American artichoke, Canada potato
橘子渣     orange pulp
聚合草     confrey
     brake, fern
糠粉         rice bran
抗结块剂         Anticaking Agents
可可粨     coconut meal
枯草芽孢杜菌发酵产品         bacilus subtilis fermentation product
枯草芽孢杜菌发酵产品液     bacillus subtilis fermentation productliquid
枯草芽孢杆菌发酵浸出物     bacillus subtilis fermentation extract
枯草芽孢杆菌发酵可溶物     bacilus subtilis fermentation soluble
枯茗         cumin, cummin
苦菜         perennial sowthistle
苦草,鞭节草         vallaisneria spiralis
苦瓜藤     balsam pear
苦卖菜     common sowthistle
苦槠         bitter evergreen kapin
块根,瓜果类         Roots/Stem Tubers and Gourd/Fruits
葵花壳     sunflower hull
葵花仁粨         dehulled sunflower meal
葵花籽粨         sunflower meal
辣草         horseradish
辣椒         paprika
莱麦草     shortsubulate barley
老鹳草     geranium
老芒草,西伯利亚披碱草     Siberian wildryegrass
酪氨酸     tyrosine
酪蛋白     casein
酪蛋白酸钠     sodium caseinate
蛎肉         oyster meat
链霉菌发酵饼         strepomyces fermentation presscake
链霉菌发酵饼粉     strepomyces fermentation presscake meal
链霉菌发酵固形物         streptomyces fermentation solid
链霉菌发酵可溶物         streptomyces fermentation soluble
链球菌废弃发酵产品液         streptococcus faecium fermentationproduct liquid
链球菌废弃物发酵产品         strepococcus faecinm
链球菌废弃物发酵液     streptomyces fermentation product liquid
辽杨         Japanese poplar
磷酸铝钠         sodium aluminum phosphate
磷酸镁     magnesium phosphate
磷酸氢二钾     dipotassium hydrogen phosphate
硫代硫酸钠     sodium thiosulfate
硫酸铝铵         aluminum ammonium sulfate
硫酸铝钾         aluminum potassium sulfate
硫酸铝钠         aluminum sodium sulfate
六偏磷酸钙     calcium hexametaphosphate
驴喜头,鸡头         sainfoin, cockshead
绿豆         mung bean, grean bean
绿萍         green alga
绿小豆     small green bean
卵花甜茅         ovateflower mannagrass
罗勒         bush basil
萝卜         radish, Chinese radish
骆驼刺     manaplant alhagi
骆驼肉     camel meat
麻栎         sawtoothed oak
麻栎         sawtooth oak
麻子饼     hemp seed cake
马齿苋     purslane
马刺         false indigo
马棘         false indigo
马铃薯     potato
马唐         crab-grass
马尾松     masson pine
麦宾草,唐古特披碱草         tangut wildrye grass
麦芽         malt sprout
麦芽壳培养基         husks malt hull
猫尾草     timothy
毛罗勒     sweet basil
毛苕子     hairy vetch
茅栗         seguin chinkapin
眉豆         cayjang, cowpea
蒙古冰草         Mongolian wheat grass
蒙古栎     Mongolian oak
猕猴桃     astinidia
米糠         rice bran
米糠饼     rice bran cake
棉籽粨     cottonseed meal
棉籽饼     cottonseed cake
棉籽壳     cottonseed hull
棉籽片     cottonseed flake
面粉加工副产品     wheat mill run
秣食豆,大豆         soybean
木豆         cagin, pigeon pea
木豆         cajan, pigeon pea
木瓜         Chinese flowering quine, tree mleo
木瓜叶     Chinese flowering quine leaf
木麻黄     horsetail beewood
木棉籽饼         kapok meal
木薯         cassava, female manioe
木薯叶     cassava leaf
木薯叶     sweet potato leaf
苜蓿叶粉         alfalfa leaf meal
奶酪皮     cheese rind
南瓜         pumpkin, cushaw, Spanish gourd, Chinasquash
南瓜藤     pupkin vine, cushaw vine
拧条锦鸡草     korshinsk peashrub
柠檬酸     citric acid
柠檬酸单异丙酯     monoisopropyl citrate
柠檬酸发酵饼         citric acid fermentation presscake
柠檬酸发酵饼粉     citric acid fermentation presscake meal
柠檬酸发酵固形物         citric acid fermentation solid
柠檬酸发酵可溶物         citric acid fermentation soluble
柠檬酸钙         calcium citrate
柠檬酸钙         calcium citrate
柠檬酸钠         sodium citrate
柠檬酸异丙酯         isopropyl citrate
柠檬渣     lemon pulp
牛蒡叶     great burdock leaf
牛皮菜     swiss chard
牛乳清发酵可溶物         cattle whey fermentation soluble
牛脂         beef fat
牛至         origan
浓缩大豆蛋白         soy protein concentrate
浓缩发酵玉米         condensed fermented corn
浓缩酒糟         condensed distillers
浓缩奶油         condensed buttermilk
浓缩乳清         condensed whey
浓缩糖蜜发酵可溶物     condensed molasses fermentation soluble
浓缩糖蜜酵母         condensed molasses yeast
浓缩糖蜜酒糟         molasses distillers condensed solouble
浓缩脱脂乳     condensed skimmed milk
浓缩鱼溶粉     comdensed fish solubles
欧芹,香芹     parsley
螃蜞粉     amphibious crab, brackish-water crab
披碱草     dahuria wildryegrass
偏磷酸钠         sodium metaphosphate
频婆胶     sterculia gum
苹果         apple
苹果胶瓤         apple pectin pulp
苹果酸     malic acid
苹果渣     apple pomace
葡聚糖     dextran
葡萄糖酸钠     sodium gluconate
葡萄糖酸锌     zinc gluconate
葡萄渣     grape fruit pulp
蒲公英     dandelion
  China root greenbrier
千穗谷     prince's-feather
芡实         gordon euryale
茜草         madder
荞麦当归         knotweed
荞麦麸粉饲料         buckwheat middlings
荞麦壳     buck wheat hull
茄子叶     eggplant leaf
芹菜籽     calery seed
青刚         blue japanese oak
青海鹅观草     roegueria
青稞         highland barley
青霉菌发酵饼         penicillium fermentation presscake
青霉菌发酵饼粉     penicillium fermentation presscake meal
青霉菌发酵固形物         pemicillium fermentation solid
青霉菌发酵可溶物         penicillium fermentation soluble
青杨         cathay poplar
氢氧化铵         ammonium hydroxide
氢氧化钠         sodium hydroxide
琼脂         agar-agar
蚯蚓         earth worm, dewworm
球茎甘蓝         turnip cabbage
去壳红花粨     safflower meal
全麦饲料         all-in wheat feed
全棉籽饼         whole pressed cottonseed
全脂乳粉         dried whole milk
人工菌浓缩乳清     condensed cultured whey
人工菌浓缩脱脂乳         cond. cultured skimmed milk
人工菌脱脂干乳     dried culyured skimmed milk
日本雀麦         Japanese bromegrass

