帝斯曼秉持“对人的热爱”, 连续三年荣膺中国杰出雇主

来源:    作者:    时间: 2008-12-17
    12月15日,全球生命科学与材料科学专业公司,帝斯曼中国有限公司通过CRF(国际雇主鉴定和出版专业机构)专家团的严格评审,荣膺2009全国范围中国杰出雇主TM。这是帝斯曼继2007 和2008年后在中国连续第三年获得杰出雇主这一殊荣,标志着帝斯曼独到的企业文化及其主导的一系列创新人力资源管理项目在更深层次和更广范围内获得肯定。

     帝斯曼曾于2007年获得上海地区中国杰出雇主TM ,2008年分获北京和上海地区中国杰出雇主TM。随着帝斯曼在全国范围内全面增长,此番更进一步获得了2009年全国范围的杰出雇主奖项。

     代表帝斯曼出席此次颁奖典礼的帝斯曼中国人力资源副总裁庄明思表示:“连续三年获奖带给我们的不仅是认可和肯定,更令我们进一步坚定了一贯秉持的‘对人的热爱’信念。 优秀的人才是公司成功的先决条件。帝斯曼可持续发展战略致力于保持人,地球, 利润的健康平衡,而‘人’在其中起着首要的推动作用。积极构建以人为本的企业文化是我们推行一系列创新的人力资源管理项目、不断提升人力资源管理水平的动力所在。”

     作为一家拥有百年历史,总部位于荷兰的跨国公司,自1993年在北京成立办事处并招募第一位中国员工起,帝斯曼始终致力于通过‘对人的热爱’, 鼓励员工主动激发个人能力,带动整个团体,从而整体获得竞争力的提升。另外,帝斯曼还鼓励员工积极参与到自身的职业规划和公司运营中,做自己的职业设计师和公司的好参谋。




     在帝斯曼已工作十年的朱慧敏,经历了从质量经理、精细化工部业务发展经理、抗感染部业务发展经理到三聚氰胺中国区销售总经理的职业生涯转型, 对此深有体会:“每当我认为自己的工作没有足够挑战的时候,就会主动提出来,公司则帮助我寻找新的目标。 在帝斯曼,你可以听到自己内心渴望成长的声音,清晰的看到自己的成长轨迹,你会发现自己的视野很广阔,所掌握的职业技能也非常多元化,拥有很强的成就感。 ”


    帝斯曼着力培养员工的质问力,鼓励员工对公司的运营发表意见,参与公司各方面的改进。帝斯曼综合应用多种方式,在最大程度上为员工创造提出问题和参与解决问题的平台。其中,NEXT组织是由帝斯曼全球35岁以下、大学学历以上的年轻人组成的“平民组织”,不隶属于公司的任何一个组织结构。该组织的活动包括与高层管理人员直接沟通, 为重要项目出谋划策以及对管理方案给予意见和评价等。

    同时,在日常运营中,帝斯曼也把员工的参与贯彻到了每一个细节。在帝斯曼迁入新的中国园区的过程中,搬迁项目管理团队在前期就内部装修、功能设置、 交通安排、设施服务等方面广泛征询了员工的意见,并不断通过每周的园区简讯、员工沟通会与员工积极交流,通报实施进程,及时听取反馈,并做出相应改进。

    除此之外,自2007年开始,帝斯曼每年会在全球范围内开展“员工向心力调查”, 对最终调查结果进行分析,并提交董事会,进而发布在每年一度的公司可持续发展报告中。调查结果不仅能够帮助管理层更好地确认和了解员工需求,并且对其未来的一些决策具有指导意义。

    获得这一奖项,帝斯曼中国总裁蒋惟明表示了高度重视:“中国是帝斯曼最为重视的新兴市场之一,人才培养是我们对中国市场长期以来的承诺之一。今后,帝斯曼将一如既往,分享国际经验,与本土员工共同成长,共同实现帝斯曼‘愿景2010 - 扬长出击’在中国的战略目标!”




    Maintaining a Constant Passion for People

    DSM is Named China’s Top Employer TM for Third Consecutive Year

     DSM China Limited, the Life Sciences and Materials Sciences company headquartered in the Netherlands, was today named China’s Top Employer TM 2009 after rigorous evaluation from international employer appraisals and CRF, a professional publishing organization. This is the third year in a row that DSM China has won the award, reflecting the deep impression DSM’s unique company culture and innovative HR management have made.

     DSM was named China’s Top Employer TM for the Shanghai Region in 2007 and again China’s Top Employer TM for both the Shanghai and Beijing Regions in 2008. With the company’s growth throughout China, DSM has been named China’s Top Employer Nationwide for 2009.

     John Meijs, DSM China Vice President of Human Resources, who attended the award ceremony, was very pleased. “Winning the award three years in a row is not only approval and recognition, but also strong confirmation and inspiration for our ‘Passion for People’. Talent enables the company to stay in business in the long term. DSM‘s strategy of sustainable development is to maintain a healthy balance between People, Planet and Profit, and we believe people act as the driver. Building a people-oriented company culture is what drives our innovative HR management and constant improvement.”

     As a Dutch multinational which is over a hundred years old, DSM has been committed to its ‘Passion for People’ since the company recruited its first Chinese employee in 1993, when it set up its first representative office in Beijing. DSM believes that an engaged workforce driven by this culture delivers a competitive advantage because employees are highly motivated to perform to the best of their abilities every day. Hence the company encourages each employee to actively participate in their own career development and company operation by being their own ‘career designer’ and a good ‘brain man’ for the company.

    “Listen to your heart to find how you need to grow”: Innovative career development module

    DSM has a unique approach to employee career development, encouraging each employee’s full development within the company. The employee is encouraged to be his / her own ‘career designer’, facilitated by the company in every possible way. DSM supports interdepartmental and inter-functional ‘diagonal’ transfers, rather than insisting employees can only develop ‘vertically’ in one position or ‘horizontally’ in one department.

    All vacancies are published on the intranet and open to all employees, who are also encouraged to recommend other suitable people. On the employee performance development and review form, there is a special column for career development. The employee can thus express his / her wishes and sense of growth potential, suggest their possible next position and be globally mobile within the company.

     Anne Zhu, who has been in different positions with the company for ten years, feels she has really benefited from it. “I just speak out when I feel a lack of challenge in my work, and the company helps me to achieve my next growth goal. In DSM, you can really listen to your heart to find how you need to grow, and see clearly how you can do it. You feel a sense of real achievement, with a broad view and diversified professional skills.”

     People-oriented management: Group wisdom contributes to the company’s development

     DSM encourages each employee to question and give input to company operations in order to continuously improve the company. All kinds of channels are provided to give staff the opportunity to detect and, more importantly, solve problems. NEXT is a company social group for all university graduates below 35; it is not under any company department. Its daily activities include dialogue with management executives, contributing ideas to projects and commenting on management proposals.

     DSM also involves employees in every detail of daily operations. During the move to DSM China Campus, the move management team has been open to all employee ideas on interior decoration, function setting, transportation arrangements, facilities and services, and has been keeping employees updated through weekly newsletters and face-to-face communication.

     In addition, DSM has implemented a global ‘Engagement Survey’ every year since 2007. The survey results are analyzed and given to the Board, and then published in the annual Triple P report. The result not only helps the management team understand employee needs, but is also instructive for decision makers in the future.

     Jiang Weiming, DSM China President, places a lot of emphasis on the Top Employer Award. “China is one of the emerging markets that DSM is really paying attention to, and talent cultivation is an important component of DSM’s long term promises to the China market. DSM will, as always, share its successful international experience and grow together with our employees to achieve our strategic targets of Vision 2010 in China.”

     DSM in China

     DSM creates innovative products and services in Life Sciences and Materials Sciences, contributing to the quality of life. DSM’s products and services are used globally in a wide range of markets and applications, supporting a healthier, more sustainable and enjoyable way of living. End markets include human and animal nutrition and health, personal care, pharmaceuticals, automotive, coatings and paint, electrics and electronics, life protection and housing.

     DSM began trading with China in 1963. Today, DSM has been invested in China for over a decade. DSM is currently involved in 9 joint ventures, 16 wholly-owned foreign enterprises, 2 branch companies and 5 branch offices in China, employing nearly 4,000 people. DSM’s business is growing healthily and steadily in China, with revenue of nearly USD 1 billion in 2007. In addition, DSM is committed to our local talent and will continue its commitment to China’s sustainable development initiative.

     More information: www.dsm.con.cn.